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NB : Since all the hexagons of the map have already been filled by Geoffrey, it goes without saying that those listed below are off-map and numbered for convenience only.
Hex 0001 :
- Castle of 524 Ulfire Men ruled by the "Benevolent Matriarch", a chaotic Binder.
- Grove of petrified trees, some of which with magic runes engraved long ago by the Serpent Men. A frightful idol stands at the center of the grove.
- Skeleton of a gigantic horned serpent which lacks some ribs and a horn.
- Large area completely burned where three blackened human corpses can be found. One of them has four arms.
Hex 0003 :
- 2 Green slimes.
- Citadel of 145 Bone Men led by a neutral Swordsman.
Hex 0004 :
- Village of 236 Mutated Men without leader.
- Spawn of Shub-Niggurath (AC 5, MV 21, HD 3, Chaotic) : a colorless ichtyoid without mouth nor eyes, and covered in suckers.
Hex 0005 :
- 23 Abandoned dinosaurs eggs whose shell is as hard as stone and stained with vivid colors. 10 of them are disposed in a circle.
- The scattered remains of a Jale Man are lying over the entire surface of the hexagon.
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